Written By: Delaney Cordes, Staff Writer
LEADERSHIP: Highlighting the new student body presidents for the upcoming school year.
As the second semester of the 2023-24 school year is over half way through, new class and student body presidents are being elected or interviewed and announced for the upcoming school year ahead. ASB, or Associated Student Body, is in charge of all the events and behind the scenes planning that takes place on and throughout Poly. From dances, to decorating signs for football games, assemblies, and much more, the class presidents, ASB council, and ASB president are very special roles that play a different part in planning, coordinating, and executing each and every event.
The student body class leaders for the 2024-25 school year were all student voted and were not under the control of ASB council. Each candidate had a week to campaign and gather votes for an election. In the end, Anberlin Alferez, Mateen Sherafat, and Rocky Bauder won the title of class president. Anberlin will be the Sophomore Class President, Mateen, the Junior Class President, and Bauder will be the Senior Class President for next year. When interviewed, they each had a different idea of how their title should lead and what their responsibilities are while in this position. Anberlin is really “excited to try” a new side and role while in ASB, as “[she] previously was the freshman class vice president.” Having been class vice president for the past two years, Mateen “saw this opportunity” and “wanted to use [his] life experiences to make a difference” at Poly. This next school year will be the first year that Bauder is on ASB and believes that his role is to “serve [the] entire class no matter who the student is” and help “make the school as equitable as possible” for everyone. The Freshman class president title is still yet to be filled, as that will be announced at the beginning of next school year. Even though each class representative has a different goal and idea for leading their class, it is apparent that Poly will have great leaders next year to improve our campus.
The role of ASB president is one of the most important positions at Poly. This year there were two candidates for this position, but in the end, Kyle Rodillas won the title. He was inspired to run because of the “people in ASB” and wanting “to make the school a better place [that is] more enjoyable” for everyone that steps on campus each day. He believes that taking on this role is to “build a better community” and that “everything goes productively and runs smoothly.” Kyle hopes to better Poly in any way he can while also making it a diverse friendly environment for everyone.
The ASB council leaders play a big role in the choosing and deciding of each position for the next school year’s ASB representatives. The only representative roles that aren’t in the hands of the ASB council are the class presidents, which are student voted. However, every other position requires an application, interview, and presentation about team building. The main ASB coordinator and advisor, Mrs.Douty says “it’s exciting to see some new perspectives and new ideas” for next year, and does not have any worries for these students as “[she] thinks every[one] is super capable.” Along with Mrs. Douty, interview panel members include Mrs. Avila, Mrs. Mejia Rodillas, and Mr. Van. Each class advisor has a selection of questions to see what role best suits each candidate and how they can best benefit Poly while having that title. Mrs. Douty also mentioned how “it’s really hard on [her]” when she has “to deliver the bad news” to the students and “feeling bad for them.” No one doubts Douty’s commitment to the students, and her dedication to ASB and Poly.

As the 2023-24 school year is coming to a close, the new leaders for next year are gearing up to take over and lead Poly into a new and even better school year. Go Bears!!