• Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

The Official Student Paper of Riverside Poly High School

Riverside Unified School District (RUSD) has drained LCAP funding

Sep 22, 2017

BROKE: Ninety-four dollars dedicated specifically towards each student who participates in Advanced Placement (AP) courses can no longer come from our district, but out of our own pockets.

By Kaley Pederson, Staff Writer

Students are enraged from having to pay to take part in high level courses. Though it is understood that these are college courses and in college the student must pay for their course, but a high-schooler?   Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) had a budgeted $208,297 Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) designated for Advanced Placement tests, but as of the beginning of 2017, the document (LCAP Template which can be found on the RUSD website) proves that the actual amount set to spend on 2017 AP exams was $282,500 LCFF, amazing that the district did not run out before 2017. Compared to 2016, AP exam participants have dropped by 100 students, though the number of students whom are on non-reduced lunch increased by hundreds versus the number of students included in reduced lunch dropped by almost 1000 students..

Regarding the upcoming 2018 AP exams, students who do not receive free and reduced lunch have to make a payment of $94.00, whereas, students who do receive free or reduced lunch make a payment of Five Dollars. “In a perfect world, the cost for the AP exams should be minimal.  Unfortunately, that isn’t the case, and the College Board has control over the cost.  Again, it would be beautiful if the cost for each test was minimal.  I think all students who have taken an AP class and have put their full effort into learning the skills, should be able to take the examination.”, AP Language and composition teacher, Kimberly Yeyna said. Although the exam is beneficial if one scores a three or higher on the exam, placing a payment of $94.00 into an exam then proceeding to score a one or two on said exam would destroy most students confidence. “My students performance in my class is based on their ability to master the skills learned in the class.  “Paying” for the test does not have any connection with their “performance.’” Yeyna continues.

LCAP funding dedicated towards AP testing has ceased to exist because of the surplus of testing, but the money dedicated towards IB program exams exceeded budget last year and will continue to receive funding for future exams. So why is LCAP funding coming to a halt? The distribution of funds was unsuccessful for the two years that RUSD placed a payment for every students AP test; prior to these past two years students had to pay for their own testing. “I do feel that there needs to be a fundraising possibility for those students who need to raise money to take the examination and do not receive the free and reduced lunch waiver.  That is something that weighs heavily on my mind, and certainly needs to be addressed.” Yeyna elaborates further. AP funding should have further fundraising throughout the district because of specific circumstances for each student.

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