When asked…
What celebrity or teacher would you want to DJ the next dance?
Lily Marsella(11): “Mr. Schiller because he is a rocking teacher.”
Jocelyn Ponce(9): “Mr. Markermorse because he’s a theater teacher.”
Koston Espiritu(11): “Simon Cowell because he is the best judge.”
Andrew Curtis(11): “Ryan Reynolds, because he’s super hot.”
Karley Wendt(11): “Kanye West.”
Shane Probst(11): “Mr. Day because he is a hip and swag dude.”
Milo Ribual(11): “Mr. Bagwell because he’s a groovy dude.”
Jadyn Green(12): “Brittney Spears #FREE BRITTNEY.”
Logan Brannon(11): “Shaq, funny and tall.”
Katrina Otto(11): “Jojo Siwa, very upbeat and has inspiring music.”
Lily McCoy(11): “Stevie Nick because she is god.”
Tyler Canales(11): “Spider Man because he’s cool.”
Willa Ralston(12): “Mr. Booth because he always plays good music.”
Anaya Patel(11): “Travis Scott or Drake because they have hype music and they would get the crowd going.”
Lauren Uhlick(10): “Diplo because he’s the only celebrity DJ I know.”
Kaya Slayzk(12): “Mr. DaBaby just because.”