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The Official Student Paper of Riverside Poly High School

New Year, Evolved You

Jan 31, 2023

Written By: Mackenzie Watkins, Editor in Training

EVOLUTION: The new year is the time to grow and work on being a better version of yourself so that you can flourish and accept the abundance 2023 has in store. 

New year new you, they say, but once January ends all of those resolutions go out the window, and old habits make an appearance. The truth is, sticking to those sorry promises we make to ourselves is extremely difficult and it is time for a new outlook. We don’t need to change ourselves. What people really need is to evolve. An evolution of themselves. Think of going into the new year not so much as a change in yourself, but an evolution, sprouting into a version of yourself that is the one you want to see look back at you in the mirror. A you that has accomplished everything you want and one that is happy in where you are. Get ready to bloom because the abundant sun is shining and the water is flowing and growth is brewing. 

Beware, dear reader, for I am about to go hippie on you. 2023 is going to be a year for the books, especially for the Zodiac signs Sagittarius, Leo, and Libra. For all the Sagittarius people out there, this year is a time for you to evolve in a way towards understanding what the universe has in store for you. Great accomplishments are headed your way, so make sure to be open and accept what life brings for you. For all the Leos out there, this year may throw some hurdles at you, but if you keep riding on you will evolve in a way that allows you to cherish the moments you have. Just make sure to put those egos away and allow yourself to evolve into the You that you wish to be. For all the Libras out there, this year will change according to the timeline you may not necessarily desire, just know that time is on your side. This new year allows you to evolve and to feel satisfaction knowing that you are exactly where you are meant to be.  All other Zodiacs – don’t fret – 2023 still has plenty of goodies just waiting for you. Stay tuned for the next edition, and I will relay what is in store for you.

2023 is a year full of opportunities for everyone who allows themselves to evolve. Evolution is a change for the better which allows us to become superb individuals, making society better; and, consequently, the world a bit brighter.

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