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The Official Student Paper of Riverside Poly High School

Kamala Harris, Woman of The People?

Sep 4, 2020
Courtesy of Reason.com

CONCERNING: The nomination of Kamala Harris is a shocking turn of events for the supposedly progressive party. 

By Ben Diguglielmo, Editor

After weeks of anti-police protests, social justice activism, and rioting, it seems that the Democratic party could not have possibly picked a less popular candidate for vice president. Harris is perhaps everything that the progressive wing of the democratic party despises, and with her history of corruption, backhanded politics, and policy flip flops, she’s not pulling any moderates either. In the democratic primaries, Harris polled low in every single demographic, and failed to gain even a single delegate. 

Harris’s stint as Attorney General of California left her with a legacy she could never hope to escape. From her famous criminalization of student truancy (leading to thousands of impoverished and homeless parents being fined and jailed), to her administration’s imprisonment of over 2,000 people for nonviolent marijuana crimes, Harris’s legacy is far from progressive. In the year 2010, a superior court judge ruled that Harris’s office had withheld evidence that affected more than a 1,000 criminal cases, and, as stated by Representative Tulsi Gabbard: “blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to (release it).”  Harris was also instrumental in the politically motivated “trial” of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, where the senate falsely accused him of being a serial rapist, and verbally slandered him for several days in a public hearing, without any evidence to suggest it was true.

On top of Kamala Harris’s legacy as a ruthless prosecutor, her failed 2020 presidential campaign was a further revelation of her true colors. Kamala never had clear policy positions, and was far from an ideological visionary. In the 2020 democratic primary she developed a bad habit of flip flopping policy positions overnight, depending on her interpretation of the public opinion.  Including her most famous flip flop on the topic of healthcare. Those who watched the 2020 democratic debates will remember when Harris claimed to support the abolition of private health insurance, then, the very next day, dealt with the blowback of her statement by reversing course and claiming to be against it.

Harris’s opportunistic and manipulative nature extends beyond her policy positions, and far into her personal political behaviour. In April 2019 Harris responded to questions about sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden with the comment, “I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.” She was also quick to imply that Biden was a racist sympathiser because of his history of working with segregationists in the past. Harris was more than willing to sell out her moral convictions however, for the offer of the vice presidency.Should the American people trust a woman who falsely declares a man to be a sexual assaulter and a racist? Or worse, a woman who believes these things to be true,  yet still accepts their offer of vice presidency?

 It seems clear to those who watched Harris perform in the democratic primary that her bid was never about policy or change, Harris is an ambitious opportunist who has clearly displayed her willingness to sacrifice policy for power. It seems evident by both her past and present behaviour that Harris is a ruthless authoritarian who will say and do whatever she thinks will advance her career, and will sacrifice her positions at a moment’s notice if she believes them to no longer benefit her. The nomination of Kamala Harris is a stain on the Democratic party, and putting such a capable and shameless opportunist one step away from the highest office in the land is a concerning move. 

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