POLITICS: The 2012 presidential election between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney will take place on November 6.
By Stephen Park, Staff Writer
The 2012 presidential election will take place on November 6 across the nation. The two presidential nominees are President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.
Each candidate has a very unique point of view on some of America’s most critical issues, including the economy, healthcare, education and the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender) community’s rights. This year’s election will offer an interesting competition between two very different competitors.
Obama represents the Democrats in the 2012 election. He plans to address the issue of the failing economy left in the wake of the Bush Administration by creating a tax reform that betters the average American family as opposed to the enormously wealthy.
He wants to go back to a pre-recession state by fully restoring America’s middle class, unwavering from the promises he made during his 2008 presidential campaign.
With regards to the nation’s healthcare system, he plans to institute Obamacare, a plan designed to cut overall healthcare costs and help out families who could not otherwise afford it. It will require businesses with over 50 workers to offer health insurance to their employees.
He is also a supporter of same-sex marriage, stating that while it conflicts with his religion, it is not a controlling factor of the government.
As for education, Obama promises to make attending college more affordable and prioritize educating every American high school graduate.
Obama is currently in the lead for the rumored amount of votes.
Romney represents the Republicans. On the topic of economy, he promises to sweep away Obama’s plans altogether and create up to 12 million new jobs by investing in both small and big businesses.
Romney states that he will reduce taxes, spending and regulation as well as increase trade and job opportunities. He aims to get rid of Obamacare and allow each state to form a healthcare plan that suits its civilians.
He stands against LGBT rights on the grounds that the cause is immoral.
Romney states that investing in education is a long-term strategy to get the economy back in motion, as it will promote access to higher education for all K-12 students and reduce the costs of attending college.
Photo Courtesy of zap2it.com