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The Official Student Paper of Riverside Poly High School

Eastside history on display

May 5, 2013

HISTORY: The Eastside’s history comes to life in a new museum exhibit.

By Hannah Lerstad, Staff Writer

An exhibit at the Riverside Art Museum called “More Dreamers of the Golden Dream” shows the history of the Eastside area of Riverside. The exhibit features large-scale canvases of photographs that show the historic places, events and people of Riverside. Because it also focuses on the relationship between old families and the racial tensions in Riverside, Poly and North High School are both prominent in the stories told in the exhibit.

Susan Straight, a writer and professor of creative writing at UCR, worked with photographer Douglas McCulloh to create the exhibit.

“It [the exhibit] represents the history of how families stay together on the Eastside for generations and a fascinating history that people might not know,” Straight said.

Several past and current Poly staff and students are featured in the exhibit. Dell Roberts started coaching Poly’s football team in 1963, began working in the discipline office in 1965 and founded the seniors vs. staff games in 1968. He was one of the people approached by Straight for photographs and information.

“It’s very special that Susan’s bringing the Eastside history to light. It’s a good place to live. It’s where I grew up. I’ve been there since 1945. I have some new neighbors and some old ones, but it’s still home,” Roberts said.

The exhibit will be at the Riverside Art Museum from April 26 to July 23.

Photo contributed by riversideartmuseum.org

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