• Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

The Official Student Paper of Riverside Poly High School

Dear Miss Monet…

Jan 14, 2022

HELP: Ever felt like you need to get something off your chest but you don’t know how to express it clearly?

With this easy peasy to use advice column, you simply fill out a google form with your name, school email, and dilemma. While all your information remains anonymous, Miss Monet will answer your questions about school, relationships, and anything in between. This is a judgment free zone! Feel free to get deep and personal; this is a place where you can convey your feelings that you may feel embarrassed or nervous to reveal otherwise.

Question: I can’t decide whether I should go to art school or college. What should I do?

Response: While I don’t feel qualified to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do regarding choices that are so crucial for your future, I will say that if art is what makes you the happiest then go to art school! If your happiness lies elsewhere, follow that! The path that you take after high school is so important and if you find joy in what you do, then you never have to work a day in your life.

Question: Any advice for finals?????

Response: I think that eating a good breakfast is crucial to having a good day, and who’s to say that won’t relate to your school work? Aside from eating well, consistently doing your homework is good practice for tests. Don’t worry too much and you’ll be fine!

Question: How do I let someone go from my life for a while? Someone who hurt me but I’d still like to be friends with later.

Response: Letting someone go is hard, even if they have caused you pain. Although it’s easier said than done, don’t go out of your way to talk or interact with this person. If they come to you, you have no obligation to entertain them! Find hobbies and occupy yourself with activities that make you feel content. Maybe separating from this person can be a journey of self love! And as much as it hurts to admit, some people just aren’t meant to remain in your life and it’s important to acknowledge that. However, if this person really is meant to be in your life then they will resurface along the way when you are both different people.

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