Coming Out of the (Political) Closet
Question: Dear Poly Spotlight Advice, My parents and most people around me are Democrats. In my past, I’ve been know to be a little liberal myself, but lately I’ve been…
Get Your Mind Out Of the Gutter
Question: Dear Poly Spotlight Advice, I want to face my fear but don’t know how to start; I am a bit embarrassed about it. Being sucked into a gutter is…
Losing My Religion
Question: Dear Poly Spotlight Advice, I’ve been questioning my faith recently, especially because Scientology isn’t the most respected of religions. I wish not to inquire further, for I am afraid…
Teen Motives of Rebellion
Question: Dear Poly Spotlight Advice, Do you believe that teenagers have a natural motive to be rebellious toward their parental authorities or that external influences affect their decisions to disobey?…
A Healthy Paradox
31 January 2013 Question Dear Poly Spotlight Advice, Is it wrong for a vegetarian to eat animal crackers? -Holy Frijoles RESPONSE 1 RESPONSE 2
Where Knowledge Comes From
10 November 2012 Question: O Wise and Mysterious Advice Person, What is the source of your knowledge? -Safari Bob RESPONSE 1 RESPONSE 2