A Breath of Smoky Air
22 January 2013 SMOKE: The Riverside wood-burning fireplace ban is best for health and the environment. By Kate Doak, Staff Writer For years, scientists and environmentalists have been warning the…
No Girls Allowed?
22 January 2013 SEXISM: The White House is being criticized for a lack of females in the Obama administration. By Kate Doak, Staff Writer Issues such as gun control and…
The Net of Social Security is Tearing
22 January 2013 AID: The age-old aid for the elderly is under pressure. By Kate Doak, Staff Writer The Social Security System is an age-old program that has helped millions…
On the Edge
21 January 2013 DEBT: With only hours left, Congress barely avoided the fiscal cliff. By Kate Doak, Staff Writer It’s no secret that the American economy is in a trench…
The World is “Sue-Crazy”!
16 January 2013 RIDICULOUS: Unnecessary lawsuits are costing the justice system valuable time and money. By Kate Doak, Staff Writer Hear about the lawsuit against Bank of America for 1.7…
The Price of Communication
13 January 2013 EXPLOITATION: Companies have no right to exploit their customers for cash. By Amy Wang These days, practically half of our lives are spent on social media platforms.…
Fighting Atrocity
8 January 2013 NEWTOWN: In the wake of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, threat of more pain for the community lay in Westboro Baptist Church’s planned picketing—that is,…
On The Fringes: Connecticut Shooting
18 December 2012 By Kayla Chang, Copy Editor We tell ourselves stories. We impose a narrative line on the shifting phantasmagoria that is actual human existence. We look for the…
One Million Moms or a Few Overly Dramatic Ones?
18 December 2012 ACTIVISM: The recent Ellen DeGeneres J.C. Penney Christmas ad once again fired up conservative group One Million Moms (OMM), who decided to boycott the company without logical…
Not Everyone Has ADHD
18 December 2012 ADHD: Children and teens are being over-diagnosed. By Kate Doak ADHD is a behavioral disorder that affects people of all ages and causes individuals to have trouble…