A Peaceful Protest For Human Rights
Written By: Jasmine Ramos, Staff Writer EMPOWERING: The Hispanic community comes together to fight for their right to live in this country. A powerful movement strikes down after many families…
Discovering High School: A Day for Eighth Graders
Written By: Ariel Connell, Staff Writer WELCOME: Future bears visit Bear Country. Every new experience is both exciting and scary. For the incoming freshmen of both Central and Gage middle…
Key Club: Poly Students Are Giving Back
Written By: Sakura Snyder, Staff Writer IMPACTFUL: Poly’s Key Club opens imaginative gateways for setting up students towards success. Considering that adulthood is right around the corner, many students have…
Giving Back to Our Elders: Interact Club’s Latest Event
Written By: Daniel Holscher, Staff Writer COMMUNITY: The Poly High School Interact Club takes a trip up to Whispering Fountains Senior Citizen homes for some quality time with their residents.…
Another Success: Poly’s Riveting Choir Masterwork
Written By: Miles Watts, Staff Writer CHALLENGING: The advanced choir ensembles from all five Riverside public high schools congregated to rehearse and perform in the annual Masterwork performance. All the…
Yearbook Club: More Than Just Photos
Written By: Samantha Reed, Staff Writer STORY: Spotlight on the Yearbook Staff. Everyone feels that excitement of waiting in line to finally receive a yearbook, but few understand the hard…
Joy and Inclusion at a Poly Favorite: Bear Bowl
Written By: Reagan Metzger, Staff Writer RECOGNITION: Poly’s beloved tradition, ‘Bear Bowl,’ offers unique experiences with a day full of building connections, intentional inclusion, and so much fun! At around…
Donald Trump’s Inauguration: America’s New Direction or Authoritarian Take Over?
Written By: Owen Weems, Editor-In-Chief CHANGE: Undoubtedly, this new Trump administration is going to do its best to live up to campaign promises; but is that what America really needs?…
Sophomores of Science Fair
Written By: Lucy McPherson, Staff Writer SCIENCE: Honors Chemistry students work hard for this year’s district science fair. This year’s honors chemistry students have worked hard on their science fair…