Commit to Succeed
Photo courtesy of Link Crew 17 May 2013 GRADUATE: Link Crew held its second-annual Commitment to Graduate. By Leti Bernard, Features editor From the first day of high school, a…
Keeping Tradition in a State of Evolution
13 March 2013 TRADITION: It took a great deal of dedication from BSU members to bring the club’s annual assembly to the stage once again. By Kira Roybal, Staff writer…
Portable Magic
5 March 2013 CREATIVITY: Book Club members are opening up a world of imagination at Alcott Elementary School. By Kira Roybal, Staff Writer Reading is a favorite pastime for many…
Top of the Class
Photo By: Shelby Clemons 27 February 2013 HONORABLE: Natalie Ethell (12) and Emma Cunningham (12) are the Valedictorians of this year’s graduating class, alongside Jaclyn Adaskaveg, Arnav Mishra and Sam…
Going For the Gold and Beyond
26 February 2013 SCIENCE: Even at the high school point of their careers, students can still display a love of discovery. By Tyler Demshki, Staff writer A school science fair…
The Fork on the Left and a Twist to the Right
Photo By: Cole Nelson 26 February 2013 MILITARY BALL: JROTC’s annual military ball gives Poly’s cadets the chance to reflect on their comradery and thank their community. By Kira Roybal,…
Mrs. Jones’ (Temporary) Return
14 February 2013 MATH: An old teacher comes back to help Poly out of a bind. By Tyler Demshki, Staff writer Poly has seen many teachers come and go. But…
Poly’s Budding Captain of Industry
BUSINESS: Some students are starting before their schooling even ends. By Tyler Demshki, Staff writer Small-time businesses are celebrated in American culture; they embody the American Dream. This is because…
So You Want To Be an Artist?
14 February 2013 REFLECTIONS: Poly’s artistic students are moving up in the PTA’s Reflections competition. By Kira Roybal, Staff Writer What do you think of when you hear the word…
Halfway Around the World
29 January 2013 SUCCESS: Poly student Shannon Cheng (9) has lived in America for only a few months, but she has already created a name for herself. By Kira Roybal,…