Love is in the Air
Written By: Thatiana Smith, Staff Writer ROMANCE: It’s better in the movies. Watching movies and television shows are the favorite pastimes of many people. Although, the most popular genre of…
Impermanence: A Short Story by Mikey Lysiak
Written By: Michael Lysiak, Staff Writer The supernal begins with a faint white falling into a blue, unlaced by the similarly colored-clouds spilling across the color of the sea that…
Two Pea’s in a PODcast- Student Interviews
Created By: Téa Summers and Naomi Morales, Poly Staffers FUN: Travel with Naomi and Téa as they journey through Poly’s campus and speak to their peers
Puppy Raisers Giving the Gift of Service Dogs to Those in Need
Written By: Hannah Nasluchacz, Staff Writer PUPPIES: Raising dogs to become service dogs is a challenging – yet necessary and worthwhile task. The basic steps a prospective service dog goes…
Two Pea’s in a PODcast- GAME DAY!
Created By: Téa Summers and Naomi Morales, Poly Staffers GRINDING: Join Téa and Naomi in an average Girl’s Water Polo GAME DAY!
Big Brain Bears- Holiday Edition!
Filmed By: Taylor Bates and Jenna Largent, Poly Staffers JOY: Jenna and Taylor explore Poly’s holiday cheer!
Thanksgiving Tradition
Written By: Sophia Caruso, Staff Writer TRADITIONS: Thanksgiving is generally a time when people reflect on the good things in life. Thanksgiving has a different meaning to each individual; for…
What is soup?
Written by: Rylee Sturgis, Staff Writer CATEGORIZE: Poly students debate whether or not cereal is a soup. Cereal is a grain made into a food substance and put into a…
Cars, Teenagers, and Self-Expression
Written By: Pascale Gibbs, Staff Writer COMMUNITY: The teenage car community and its connection to self-expression. For all of childhood, kids look forward to getting their driver’s license. Getting a…
To Be or Not to BeReal
Written By: Thatiana Smith, Staff Writer IMAGES: Social media allows for them to be easily shared with the world. There are hundreds of social media apps that offer a variety…