All Good Things Must Come to an End
CHANGE: Head coach and Physics teacher Mr. Mark Colwell finishes his last year at Poly. By Kayla Iles, Staff Writer This year, change is in the air not only in…
Starting the Season with a Splash
UPDATE: The 2015 girls’ swim season is underway, and the team hopes for another successful season. By Franklin Racobs, Staff Writer After a successful season in their new aquatics center…
Pole Vault Prodigy
SOAR: Riverside Poly athlete Zachary Green establishes himself as one of Southern California’s premier high school pole vaulters. By Timothy Chen, Sports Editor Zachary Green (11) began pole vaulting his…
Online Hybrid Schooling: The Only Solution
NECESSITY: The increase in hybrid classes is the best choice given the current state of our educational system. By Matthew Saenz, Staff Writer Before the advent of the computer and…
State Education Department emphasizes the EAP
TESTING: The California Department of Education, in cooperation with the California State University (CSU) and California Community Colleges, redirects its statewide testing policies to directly impact CSU’s Early Assessment Program…
Sexting holds more consequences than teenagers may recognize
AWARENESS: Amidst ubiquitous technological connections, sexting has become a serious legal and hazardous issue for teens. By Matt Kaye, News Editor In an era where virtually everyone stays connected through…
Softball Swings into Season
BEGINNING: Softball begins a promising season by placing well in the Jurupa Valley Tournament. By Abigail Burke, Staff Writer The Poly varsity girls’ softball team began its season finishing fifth…
Sports Brief: Poly’s New Basketball Coach
COACH: Mr. Yancy Dodson is selected as the new head coach of the Poly boy’s basketball program. By Frank Racobs, Staff Writer Mr. Yancy Dodson will take the position of…
Poly hosts presentation on inappropriate use of social media
MEDIA: Ms. Opal Singleton gives presentation on the dangers of social media and how it can lead to involvement in human trafficking and prostitution. By Emily Hughes, Staff Writer On…
UCR and Poly High School make efforts to go green
ENVIRONMENT: The University of California, Riverside (UCR) participates in a statewide sustainability program; Poly also works for sustainability with commitments to keep the campus clean. By Emily Hughes, Staff Writer…