• Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

The Official Student Paper of Riverside Poly High School


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Striving for Success

DETERMINATION: Boys’ Water Polo conditions hard to recover from a loss of players. By Kayla Iles, Editor This year, the Boys’ Water Polo team has suffered from the lack of…

EA Sports: The Real Game Changers

FIFA 16: EA Sports addresses gender equality among other improvements to the new FIFA game. By Emma Carson, Staff Writer On September 22, EA Sports released its newest video game,…

An Injury for One or Two?

SPORTSMANSHIP: A football player was severely injured during the Poly versus King game, causing both sides to display their true colors. By Himadri Ratnayake, Staff Writer Over the years, Riverside…

From Spain to So-cal!

BIENVENIDOS: Spanish exchange students visit California for a full year. By Avelina Maier, Staff Writer Culture is what makes the world go round. Enriching ourselves culturally is key to enlightenment…

Poly students attend lecture given by Harvard professor

ENVIRONMENT: Environmental Science students gain insight into a scientist’s take on planet Earth’s immense climatological history. By Matthew Saenz, Editor On Thursday, September 24, students of Mr. Jambretz’s Advanced Placement…

Two back-to-back incidents involving young teens frighten all of Riverside

LOCAL: In two separate scenarios, male suspects attempted to grab teenage girls; one was luckily able to escape, while the other was not so fortunate. By Dyala Harb, Staff Writer…

The Arcs: a New Band with a New Sound

MUSIC: A new band, The Arcs, emerges from the collective collaboration of three talented musicians. By Malik Alexander, Staff Writer Good new bands are a hard find in today’s music-inundated…

A Song a Day Keeps the Blues Away

MUSIC: The free subscription service A Song A Day delivers a handpicked song to users’ inboxes daily based on their music preferences. By Ashley Gore, Editor So much music, so…

Fashion Week in NYC Extravaganza

RUNWAY: This season’s fall fashion phenomenon includes all of the latest updates in clothing, from new seasonal colors to new seasonal styles. By Caroline Iglesias, Staff Writer Fashion is an…

Riverside educators work to combat climate change

CLIMATE: A team of teachers is working towards environmental sustainability in RUSD schools. By Emily Hughes, Editor Researchers in every scientific field of study have worked on ways to fight…

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