• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

The Official Student Paper of Riverside Poly High School

Mr. Habereder: In Memoriam

Oct 6, 2022

Written By: Alex Mueller, Editor

REMEMBRANCE: The passing of our late Poly Teacher, Bob Habereder, sparks condolences from Poly students, teachers, and alumni.

Each day in zero-period Orchestra, students, arriving at 6:57, exhaustedly stumbled into the band room. Yet, at the door, Habereder mustered the energy to greet them all by name, promulgating the musical and individual energy characteristic of his class in the process. Habereder was not only a teacher but a friend to his students, actively serving to both bolster their musical endeavors and emotional health. Leading both Poly’s Orchestra and Music Technology program,  Habereder impacted students and staff throughout the campus, even after they left or graduated.

However, on August 26, 2022, Poly recently had to say goodbye to Habereder. We at Poly Spotlight express our deepest condolences, and in memorial we collected a list of Poly students and staff who Habereder impacted and continues to impact beyond his life.

Put your name on this list by filling out this form

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