• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

The Official Student Paper of Riverside Poly High School

Poison in Death: Chapter 3

Feb 15, 2022

Written by: Amelia Chavez, Staff Writer

MYSTERY: The third chapter in a spine-chilling series about a young girl in San Francisco.

It was now 2:30, and the sun shone dimly behind an array of gray clouds. Rain is coming. The police were still inside. They were old and haggard, but they couldn’t be much older than 50. Lines traced their face telling of the horrors and wisdoms from the last war. Will the fighting ever end? Will violence subside? 

She sat on the grass near where she had found Mr. Sawyer. His lifeless body was dragged away by two young boys. Where did the body go? Adelaide hugged her knees, staring at the crushed lilies. The world was spinning beneath her. She was forced to stay out; the officers said she “was a nuisance to the investigation.” I can’t help it, they’re incompetent morons. I’m not just a child!

With all the strength left in her she pushed herself up. I need to walk, I can’t dwell on this? What can I do? She walked through the flowers, not bothering to glance at any, just her feet gliding across the grass. 

Soon she had reached a short green gate which easily unlatched. Mindlessly she fiddled it open and wandered down the street. I have to get away. Away from that house. 

She passed by people holding hands, carrying groceries, just people living. It was as if nothing happened. He died and no one knew. No one cared. 

In order to wander one must allow oneself to let go. At least that’s what Dad always said. Maybe it was to wander is to let go. Her mind was scribbles, everything and nothing was there at once. 

Where am I? Street signs and landmarks blurred into one. An abstract memory she couldn’t quite see yet. I’m lost. Her heart pumped with anxiety as she spun around taking in her surroundings.

She tried to look for anything she recognized. Nothing. Deep breaths, keep it together. She stared straight ahead looking at shop names. As she looked she noticed a tall man who stood above the crowd. Everyone walked around barely noticing him. He stared directly at her. Who are you? Without warning he bolted down a side alley. I need to know.

She ran shoving past people, their complaints sounded miles. Her feet pounded on the ground as she turned into the alley. Where did he go? Frantically she searched around. Letting out a sigh she raised her head to the clouds. There.

There he was climbing onto the roofs of the city in his ratty clothes. She scrambled her way up the ladder. Is this a good idea? 

She didn’t stop, she couldn’t. This was the thrill, the excitement she loved. I need to know who that man is. Why was he looking at me? Why did he run? Her legs moved gracefully and quickly under her.

As she reached the top she was met by an expansive view of the rooftops. The sun was setting just behind her making the sky a lovely burst of pinks and oranges. He became a black silhouette against it all. 

She raced after him, jumping over small and wide gaps between roofs. She nearly tripped over someone’s cat, but nothing could distract her from the strange man.

She was getting closer. She could smell a faint trace of liquor and mothballs on him. Oh screw this. If he jumps off this roof I’ll lose him. She tackled him with all her might, sending him crashing into a cement roof. 


“Who are you?” she demanded

“No one miss,” he stuttered in broken English

“Then why did you run?”

“You’re Adelaide?” 

“Yes, how do you know?”

“Beware the turning tides, the person with the purple tongue lies. Watch yourself, Mr. Accardi’s back” he stumbled, slurring his words

“That’s impossible”

“Run, he’s coming to find you.” 

Before she could open her mouth a loud POP sounded in the air. His eyes became glazed and blood trickled down his mouth, staining his white shirt. He fell on her feet. She looked around but no one was in sight. I didn’t even know his name. 

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