Editor #10
Finding love at any point in life is a truly wonderful thing, though senior year certainly is not the most opportune time to do so. With your departure from Poly, and perhaps from Riverside as well, I can see how you might view pursuing a relationship with this boy as pointless. However, there are two perspectives to every situation. Considering that as you will be leaving soon, you do not really have anything to lose by confessing your feelings to him; if he does not return those feelings you can easily escape him in a few months when you graduate. While your prospects for a long-term relationship seem grim, a few casual dates would not do you much harm. If you two hit it off and connect, then at least you have these last few months of school to enjoy each others’ company, not to mention the beautiful summer ahead of you.
But if you do not want to risk rejection or eventual heartache, there is no straightforward way to fall out of love with someone. The heart wants what the heart wants, and sometimes your brain is simply along for the ride. You can try avoiding him and keeping yourself busy to keep him out of your
mind, but doing so always seems easier said than done. There is hope if you make it to the end of the year without being entirely lovesick. Graduation and getting ready for college will surely distract you from him. When fall comes and you begin your post-high school life, you will have so many new things to take up your time and entertain you. Hopefully, it will keep your final crush at Poly High School a distant memory and nothing more.