• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

The Official Student Paper of Riverside Poly High School

Month: October 2021

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Spotlight on Sports

Boys Water Polo Written By: Naomi Morales, Staff Writer DOMINATING: During fall, Boys Water Polo thrives. Since the 1960s, the Poly Water Polo boys have been league champions. This season…

Who’s Who

Written By: Bryse Norris, Staff Writer FASCINATING: The incredible life of Jacob DeVincenzo. Jacob Devincenzo is a fourteen year old freshman who takes all honors classes and is in Spanish…

Dear Miss Monet

HELP: Ever felt like you need to get something off your chest but you don’t know how to express it clearly? With this easy peasy to use advice column, you…

A Prisoner in the Public Eye

Written by: Jaidyn Gayman, Staff Writer #FreeBritney: – Britney Spears has been in the public eye since the 1990s, and has yet to step out. From her most iconic moments…

Poly People Ponder

When asked… If Poly was a movie, what would it be? Lily Mccoy (11): Megamind Celso Orbel (12): Life of Pi because it reflects day to day survival Grace Carter…

Java Jokes

Written By: Emily Ortega, Staff Writer What do you get when you cross a fish with an elephant? Swimming trunks!!! I have a fear of giants. It’s called fee fi…

Guess Who

Written By: Jayden Jackson SPOTLIGHT ON YOU: You may have been chosen to have the spotlight on you, read below and guess! At 7:50, you were seen entering school with…

Why Justin Bieber Did Not Deserve Artist of the Year at the VMAS

Written By: Delaney Norris, Staff Writer AWARD: Out of the six people considered for best artist of the year at the VMA’s, did Justin Bieber really deserve it? The 2021…

Student Activism and Dress Code Controversy

Written by: Emma Pierce, Staff Writer REFORM: Poly students demand dress code policy change through peaceful protest. Under RUSD policy 5132, students “shall be dressed and groomed according to standards…

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