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The Official Student Paper of Riverside Poly High School

Colin Kaepernick Nike Ad

Sep 24, 2018

PROTEST: Nike’s new #JustDoIt campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick sparks extreme backlash.

By Shelbie Nelson, Staff Writer

Nike officially named Colin Kaepernick the face of their new 30th-anniversary #JustDoIt campaign on September 4, 2018. Kaepernick is credited with starting the controversial #TakeAKnee movement back in 2016, where he invoked outrage and inspired many to sit during the national anthem.

The #JustDoIt ad features a portrait of Kaepernick with the words “Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything,” written across the center. This ad couldn’t have come at a more relevant time in today’s world. With new bodies in leadership roles, new laws, new voices and new opinions being expressed, it’s become important for today’s youth to stand up for themselves.

Colin Kaepernick’s words are based off of his own actions, and the effects they’ve had on his life. It all started back at a 2016 49er preseason game when Kaepernick decided to sit quietly on the bench during the national anthem, which many viewed as a disrespectful gesture to the armed forces. He later explained that his protest had nothing to do with the United States military. Rather, he was protesting police violence against minorities. Kaepernick then changed his form of protest in order to show more respect to those who served the country, after receiving advice from Army veteran Nate Boyer. “I expressed to him, maybe there’s a different way of demonstrating; where you’re showing more respect for those who laid down their lives for what that flag and anthem stand for. I suggested kneeling because people kneel to pray; we’ll kneel in front of a fallen brothers grave,” Boyer explained.  Later that season, Kaepernick took Boyer’s advice and peacefully knelt during the anthem.

Kaepernick’s protest resulted in an uproar from those who still saw this as a form of disrespect. Kaepernick received a lot of negative feedback, especially online, and many booed him from the stands at his games. Nevertheless, there were many people who supported Kaepernick’s form of protest specifically because it was peaceful and not disrespectful in their eyes. “They’ve said it’s about racial injustice and I’m fine with them kneeling as long as there’s no disrespect to our troops,” Brian Amlani (11). Based on social media posts, many people take no issue with Kaepernick’s protest, as he is not doing it out of disrespect.

Kaepernick’s form of protest is proving to be very effective, as it has brought a lot of attention to injustice. “It’s to bring awareness and to make people realize what’s really going on in this country. There are a lot of things going on that are unjust [that] people aren’t being held accountable. This country stands for freedom, liberty, and justice for all and it’s not happening for all right now,” Kaepernick stated. He diligently backs up his position while still keeping his protests peaceful. Many have been able to recognize that Kaepernick is not aiming to be disrespectful, but rather trying to spread awareness and share his opinion. “Honestly I’m glad people have the courage to stand up for what they believe. I respect what they believe, that’s their first amendment right,” Brianna Avila (11) said. Kaepernick became an inspiring figure for today’s young adults by exercising his first amendment right to voice his own beliefs.

His controversial viewpoint led many to try to discredit his athletic abilities, despite the fact that his political standpoint is unrelated to his talent as an athlete. Nike, understanding his beliefs and still recognizing him as an incredible athlete regardless, and as his sponsor since 2012, decided to take the risk and feature him in their newest ad. Many people on social media began degrading him and began their own protest by burning and trashing their Nike products. “I’m shocked with the reaction the ad has received. People who have been wearing Nike their entire lives are now burning all of their shoes just because someone who protested that black lives matter,” Jaden Bullard (11) said. Of all the different ways to express an opinion, one of the most confusing is choosing to just waste perfectly good products.

Even though this ad caused Nike some verbal backlash, Nike sales grew 31% over the Labor Day holiday this year compared to the previous year, according to Edison Trends. Nike did just what the ad says. They “believe[d] in something, even if it mean[t] sacrificing everything.” They saw an opportunity to help expand their business, as well as campaign for a worthy cause, at a great risk to themselves.

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